Eurolocking combines the best of two worlds. On the one hand, it capitalizes on experience acquired with proven safety systems in the process industries, where system safety and availability are also crucial. Movares has gone a step further, combining this experience with a thorough knowledge of railway infrastructure. The result is a modern, cost-effective, powerful, flexible, fully scalable, customer-maintainable train protection system.
Cost-effective: Eurolocking allows customers to reduce total safety installation costs by up to 30%
Flexible: Eurolocking is suitable for use on ERTMS lines, offers an open interface to the control room, is
scalable and uses standard communication protocols and infrastructure (Ethernet, IP and OPC)
Practical: Eurolocking is simple to maintain and modify, and the customer can carry out maintenance and modifications with the system running; Eurolocking can be switched on and left on
Powerful: Eurolocking can process large quantities of input and output data at high speed
Open: Eurolocking uses open, accessible system architecture and communication protocols e.g. RaSTA
Independent: Eurolocking is supplier-independent, and customers can modify the logic themselves
Scalable: Eurolocking is scalable in terms of safety, availability and the extent of the infrastructure it covers
Up to date: Eurolocking meets applicable EU standards; its HIMA Safety Controller is certified to CENELEC SIL 4