
Eurolocking, now in service

“Safety first!” The motto is universal. It applies to aviation, to process industries but also – and especially – to the railways. Eurolocking is designed to ensure the safety of rail infrastructure. It prevents collisions between trains, and between trains and road vehicles. It detects dangerous situations, takes corrective action and so ensures the safe operation of railway traffic. In short, Eurolocking forms the heart of the railway signalling system.

Frits Makkinga

Now in service

In 2012, the Eurolocking system at Santpoort Noord yard entered service – the first SIL4 Eurolocking in the Netherlands and the first main line Eurolocking. The Eurolocking system covers the entire yard, and is the fruit of a Movares project carried out in close cooperation with Dutch rail infrastructure provider ProRail. At this time Beverwijk will also be equipped with Eurolocking. In mid-December 2013, we expect the Eurolocking nationwide release by ProRail in the Netherlands.

A wide range of applications

Movares, with its extensive knowledge of railway signalling, was able to develop a flexible interlocking suitable for both main and regional lines. The knowledge and experience acquired with programmable logic controller (PLC) technology, together with the application software, means it is also possible to use the system for light rail, level crossings, tunnel systems, bridges, freight yards and marshalling yards.